If children are to become independent readers, they need to have a reason or motivation to read, which itself is a consequence of having had many positive experiences of written language being used in a meaning and enjoyable way.

Increase children storybook access and ownership in areas where they do not exist.

Encourage culture of reading in the homes and community (Building a functional literate communities).

Enhance parents and guardians’ skills for facilitating school readiness and be involved throughout their children educational journey.

Deliver high quality humanities-based literacy program for pre-schools and primary schools children aged (3-12 years) and their parents/guardians.
Lisika Unite Foundation’s mission is to close the educational achievement gap often experienced by economically vulnerable children, increase free access of children story books in deep rural areas of Limpopo, South Africa.
Our deep rural communities face an undeniable literacy crisis where learners have not been provided the opportunities to develop their reading competency and consequently their learning potential. At the core of our literacy projects is a profound observation with which we all agree, that is, that reading is a social activity.